Sunday 27 November 2011

Chicken and leek pie

Winter's really settling in now, and I've been craving warming comfort food.  Having the oven on really heats the flat up, as well, so a pie was just the thing!
I've never learned to make pastry as I've always had decent results from the ready-made stuff.  It also seems rather time-consuming - we have busy lives and I have no problem using short cuts as long as they don't affect the quality of my dinner.

So, all we really need to do is cook the filling and assemble the pie.

Start peeling a couple of shallots (I like to leave them whole, but chop them if you want) and chopping a leek and a couple of mushrooms into nice big rustic slices.  Get them sweating in butter and olive oil.

While they're gently cooking, chop up a couple of chicken thighs.  Thigh meat is cheaper than breast, which means you can afford to go for higher quality.  Sainsbury's do skinless, boneless, organic and free-range thighs which are really convenient as you can just chop them up without the hassle of removing the bone and far cheaper than breast.

I had a couple of rashers of bacon in the fridge so I trimmed the fat off those, cut them into pieces and added them too.

When everything's got a bit of colour on it add about 200ml chicken stock, salt and pepper,  and some herbs - I used tarragon and basil today.

The ready-rolled puff pastry is just so easy to work with.  I decided to make two individual pies today, so all I did was cut the sheet in half, spoon half the pie mix onto the centre of each half, lift up the edges and press them together to make a sort of pasty.  Very rustic, shoddy presentation but who cares - this is mid-week home cooking.  You could, of course, make one big pie and serve it in slices.

The pastry will go a nice golden-brown colour more easily if you brush it with an egg wash, but it's not really necessary and I didn't have any eggs.

Pop it in the oven at 180C for half an hour and serve with whatever veg you fancy - we had roast parsnips and steamed fine beans from the veg box.

Financial verdict
2 skinless, boneless chicken thighs - approx £2
375g ready rolled puff pastry - £1
2 shallots, one large leek, 2 mushrooms - approx £1
Veg to serve with (we had parsnip and beans) - approx 50p

£2.25 per very filling portion.

The skinny
Peel a couple of shallots.

Peel and chop a leek.

Chop a couple of mushrooms - all nice big rustic chunks.

Sweat the above in butter and olive oil.

Chop two skinless, boneless chicken thighs and add them to the pan.

Cut two bacon rashers into pieces and add them too.

When everything's got some colour on, add 200ml chicken stock, salt and pepper, and herbs.

Reduce for a couple of minutes.

Make pies by encasing the mixture in ready-made puff pastry.

Cook at 180C for about half an hour, until the pastry is golden brown.

Serve with veg.

WeightWatchers ProPoints

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