Tuesday 6 December 2011

Stuffed squash with cabbage

One of the fun things about getting the veg box has been adapting recipes to fit what arrived.  HFW has been a fantastic inspiration, and tonight's dinner comes out of this one from River Cottage Veg Every Day.  I loved the idea of the presentation - taking the top off the squash to reveal the creamy interior - but I had a butternut squash rather than a round one whose shape rather limited the possibilities.

Oh, and I'd got a hispi cabbage rather than a leek.  Apart from that, the recipe's the same as Hugh's.

First up, cut that squash in half and hollow it out to create a space for the filling to go.  This is tough, physical work - you'll need a decent knife, a good quality tablespoon and wrists of steel.  It's a hard life, being the designated cook.

Now we'll make something tasty to fill it with.  First chop an onion and sweat it gently in olive oil.  Then chop up some cabbage (or leek, or spinach, or kale).  I'd never cooked with hispi cabbage before this one turned up at the door, but I've found that the best way seems to be to chuck out the hard central vein of each leaf and chop the rest finely.  Chuck it in the pan with the onion and let it sweat for a couple more minutes.

Finally add a good few tablespoonfuls of crème fraiche and a handful of grated cheese.  Season with salt and pepper and stir until the cheese has melted.

Now spoon the mixture into the hollowed-out squash, having found an oven-proof receptacle with a lid large enough to keep it in.  In my case, this meant the Le Creuset, which has a top speed of 140C with the lid on.  After an hour nothing had really happened, so I ditched the lid (which is the limiting factor due to its plastic handle) and whacked the oven up to 190C.

Half an hour later, and all's well.  Nom nom nom.

The Skinny
Chop a butternut squash in half lengthways, using an axe if necessary, and make a hollow in it using a hammer and chisel, or any other planing tool of your choice.

Chop an onion and a couple of large cabbage leaves.  Sweat them in olive oil over a low heat for 10 minutes until soft.

Add a generous couple of tablespoonfuls of crème fraiche and a handful of grated cheese.

Heat through - still on a low heat - until the cheese has melted, then spoon the mixture into the hollowed out squash.

Bake in the oven at 180C for about an hour.  Probably.  Ish.

WeightWatchers ProPoints

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