Friday, 29 June 2012


We have a huge stock of eggs at the moment, as I bought some from my friend who keeps chickens having forgotten that I'd put in an order to have half-a-dozen included with the veg box this week.  No matter - I've also got various odds and ends of veg lying about so a frittata is called for!

This is what I made today, but frittata is so versatile you can use it to finish up whatever odds and ends you have lying about.  It's lovely with a bit of bacon or chorizo, adjusting the herbs or spices to what you've put in.

Start by boiling some potatoes.  We just had a couple of new potatoes sitting in the bottom of the cupboard.  You could use pasta instead if you like.

If you've got veg that needs boiling, get that going as well.  Asparagus is in season so I've used some of that.

Now, lightly whisk six eggs in a bowl - we're not beating them, just breaking the yolks and mixing them up a bit - and add whatever ingredients a trawl through the back of the fridge turns up: in this case, the boiled potatoes and asparagus, a handful of roughly chopped spinach, a tomato cut into pieces and some grated cheese (cheddar and parmesan, or whatever you've got).  Season with salt and pepper and add whatever herbs and spices you want - I thought basil and oregano with these vegetables.  Mix it all up a bit. 

Now gently fry an onion and some mushrooms in a pan until soft.

The idea with a frittata is to cook it on the hob until the egg is just set, then finish it off under the grill so don't use your Teflon pan here - stainless steel or cast iron will do nicely though.

When the onion is soft, pour the eggy mixture on and let it cook over a low heat until just set.  Don't stir the mixture in the pan like an omelette, but you might need to spread it around a bit with the back of a spatula until it's an even thickness.

When the egg mixture is mostly set, transfer the pan to the grill.  If your grill can be adjusted, put it on about half-heat - we don't want to burn anything, just set the egg nicely and have a little bit of colour on the top.

No grill?  No problem, just bake it in the oven.

It should be the consistency of a pie, and come apart nicely into slices...  but of course a bit is bound to fall off and spoil a nice picture.

The quantities here are enough for four, and it's nice cold so put the rest into tupperwares for your lunch tomorrow!

All you really need is six eggs and some cheese - the rest is just whatever leftovers you have and whatever odds and ends of veg are knocking about in the bottom of the fridge.  A true leftover meal and frugal end-of-the-month dish.

WeightWatchers ProPoints
8 per portion

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