Thursday 1 November 2012

Vietnamese Chicken

Tonight we had this.  I won't repeat the recipe, just follow the link - I pretty much followed the instructions, cutting down the quantities for two people, but missed out the mint because my girlfriend doesn't like it, and threw in some stir-fry veg for one of our five-a-day.

The main reason I'm posting about it is my astonishment that you can buy something as esoteric as shrimp paste in Sainsbury's.  I already had the other ingredients in stock.

For all that I complain about supermarkets and champion local shops, we are so lucky to live somewhere that you can buy ingredients from all over the world in a mid-size, mid-range supermarket.

On the same shelf, they had kits and ingredients for making sushi and nigiri.  Do people in smallish towns really make this stuff at home?  If so I'm really very impressed - home cooking really does happen and not everyone is living off of frozen, pre-prepared crap.

Go easy on that shrimp paste though.  It's not half pungent.

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